If you are like me and love to leave lots of tabs open in my Chrome browser, here are some very useful keyboard shortcuts for you to control your tabs.
Note that these shortcuts work both on Windows and Mac machines.
- Ctrl + Tab: Switch to the tab on the right.
- Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Switch to the tab on the left.
- ⌘ + Shift + [: Also switch to the tab on the right.
- ⌘ + Shift + ]: Also switch to the tab on the left.
- ⌘ + Option + Left Arrow: Should also switch to the previous tab. This one doesn't work for me because I use Spectacles and BetterSnapTool, which also use these shortcuts.
- ⌘ + Option + Right Arrow: Should also switch to the next tab. Same as above.
- Ctrl (⌘ on Mac) + Number: For example, Ctrl + 5 would switch to the 5th tab from the left.
- Ctrl (⌘ on Mac) + W: Close the current tab.
- Ctrl (⌘ on Mac) + Q: Close all tabs in the Chrome window. Chrome now asks you to confirm, in case you hit the shortcut by mistake, which I have done many times.
- ⌘ + Shift + W: Don't know if this is a bug, but this will close all tabs in the Chrome window without confirmation. So make sure you don't use this one.
By the way, the following shortcuts on Mac might be useful:
- Ctrl + ⌘ + Q: Locks the screen and requires login next time.
- Ctrl + Number: Switch to that Desktop/Space.
- Ctrl + Up Arrow: Show all windows in current Desktop/Space and show all Desktops/Spaces at the top.
- Ctrl + Down Arrow: Show all windows for the current application.
- Ctrl + Left Arrow: Switch to the Desktop/Space to the left.
- Ctrl + Right Arrow: Switch to the Desktop/Space to the right.
Hope you find these useful!
Video of the Day:
This is what I play once my code compiles with no errors!