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Saturday, July 04, 2020

Happy 4th of July and some random nice things!

Happy 4th of July, the Independence Day of America!

Since the pandemic is still going and has no trend of getting any better soon, I thought I just share some random nice things to boost the spirit up!

1. The Finch Story

A pair of finches made a nest next to our garage door window, so I put a Wyze camera there and recorded some clips. Finally put everything together into a nice little movie. So enjoy. The background music I used was from Night Coming (a great story by Maoni), composed by Roc Chen.

2. My Indoor Pepper

I planted a pepper plant in a flowerpot late last year. I had not expected to get anything out of it because people normally plant peppers after Memorial Day, so I was like half a year ahead of the time. But the plant actually produced a pepper! I'll be fine during the summer with respect to veggie supply now!

3. Mozart's Sonata

My daughter has been practicing this song for over 6-months. She finally got to a level minimally presentable. Very happy for her! So enjoy! 

4. Around the World

I set a goal for my kids to be able to do Around the World by the end of summer. They asked me to also do it. So here it is (although this one is really the reverse around the world), the first time I've ever done anything so fancy. Feeling pretty good about it! Of course, I'll still have to master the real around the world by end of summer.

5. My Bookshelves

Someone on Twitter asked people to post photos of their bookshelves. So I snapped a picture of mine. I like my bookshelves (I also share the shelf space with kids), because I love books, in case you haven't noticed. See how many different collections you can spot from the photo.


BTW: The easiest way to remember my blog address is

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