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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Daily Battles: Blank Notifications on Samsung Galaxy Android

Have you noticed that recently you start getting blank notifications on your Android phones? It happened to my Samsung Galaxy S8. Some notifications are fine, while others are just blank, something like this below.

First I thought it was a bug from the app I was using. But then I started noticing it happening with different apps, such as my Vivint app, Twitter, or even my coupons.

Did my research and eventually found out the cause. It is a bug relating to fonts and styles. To fix the problem, just go to your settings page, search "Font size and style", then select the one under "Display". Choose "Font style", and then select the one you use. If it is already selected, just deselect it and then select it again.

Now go back to your home screen and then swipe down to see your notifications. All the notifications should be not empty now!

Wish I had figured this out before I start cutting down on my twitter time. Well! Another battle won!

Video of the Day:

So glad the fire is under control in Australia. Such a disaster. Even the magpie learned to sound like a fire engine!

BTW: The easiest way to remember my blog address is


  1. Anonymous3:29 PM

    that bird is a lot smarter than me and isaac, neither of us can make that sound :)

  2. that birb is smarter than you daddy

  3. (that comment was posted by isaac)
