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Sunday, January 04, 2009

Joy of Life: Volume 1 Prologue

[I know, I know. I should have spent more time on SPW. But this is such a good story and it helps me to get into the translation mood. SPW will come shortly after.]

[The direct translation of the book title would have been “Celebrating the Remaining Life.” I decided to use the name “Joy of Life” because throughout the life of the protagonist when he was given a second chance, he slowly discovered the true joy of life in himself which is really something that transcends life – The Translator]

Prologue: Black Cloth
-- written by Maoni

Fan Shen worked hard to keep his eyelids open, so he could look at his fingers and count how many meaningful things he had done in his life. But before he even finished counting the five fingers on his right hand, which were so thin that they looked like chopsticks, he sadly gave it up with a deep sigh.
As always, the hospital room was filled with the stinking smell of medicine. The old man in the next bed had been gone for two days, reporting for his duty to the lord of the underworld. It might not be long for his turn.
He was very sick. It was some kind of a strange disease that completely weakened all his muscles, the kind that was perfect for a typical male lead in romantic fiction novels. The disease was also terminal, and during his last moments, he would not even be able to move a finger, except to let tears stream down his extremely pale cheeks.
“But I am not the main character of a romantic fiction!” Fan Shen murmured, which turned into a stream of incoherent groans due to the non-functioning muscles around his jaw. Staring at his middle-finger, he felt great sympathy for himself. “I am still a virgin!”
He hadn’t really done any meaningful things in his entire life, except for things such as helping senior citizens cross busy streets, offering his seat to the needy on buses, getting along well with neighbors, and helping classmates cheat during exams……
Fan Shen was a good man in the traditional sense: good, but useless.
His parents had passed away a long time ago, leaving him alone in this world, in this hospital, waiting for the end of his life.
“Good men don’t have good endings,” he thought.
During one lonesome and cold night, Fan Shen could almost feel the slow slackening of his muscles in his throat and chest, like an old rubber band that had lost all of its stretch and no longer tightened. That clean, young nurse caring for him was nowhere to be found. The only companion was an old woman, who seemed to be in the middle of an incessant chatter.
“Is this the moment of death?”
A mixture of fear for death and the deep yearning for a further taste of life created a complex feeling he had never felt before. Sharing his last few minutes with the old woman, instead of the lovely little nurse he had long hoped for, only added more sorrow to his heart.
Wretched and miserable, he glanced with drooping eyes at the black cloth blocking the sunlight over the window. “Life is as lonely as dog shit!” he thought.

Wretched and miserable, he felt a drop of liquid sliding down from the corner of his eye. Downheartedly, Fan Shen licked at it. To his surprise, it not only tasted salty, but also a bit pungent – did his tears begin to stink because he seldom showered at the hospital?
“Weeping like a girl, did you really think you are the main character of a romantic fiction?” He couldn’t help but scold himself angrily in his mind.
But he immediately noticed that something was not right. How was he able to stick his tongue out to lick his tears? Didn’t the doctor say that his tongue had lost all mobility? The only function left for it was to easily fall into his gullet and block his breathing canal and make him the kind of rare genius who could commit suicide by swallowing his own tongue.
Then he noticed that opening his eyes also became easier. He could see a wide angle and his eyesight was also greatly superior compared to before he became sick. The world in front of him was bright and something made out of bamboo lay right before his eyes.
Fan Shen stared blankly at the bamboo strips. Suddenly, through the cracks of the bamboo strips, he made out a shocking scene: men in black robes, each with a murderous look, were swinging their deadly weapons right toward him!
Having no time to distinguish whether this was just a bizarre dream or maybe the standard experience for people on the brink of death, Fan Shen cringed spontaneously, covering his eyes with his two hands, the ostrich kind of behavior any normal person would have chosen.
“Whoosh…!” Sounds of objects tearing through air suddenly arose, followed by stifling groans and then ultimate silence.
Hands still covering his eyes, Fan Shen waited for a moment and tried to make some sense out of it. Gingerly spreading two fingers slightly open, he eventually built up enough courage to look out sneakily from behind the crack. The bamboo strips that made up the basket sliced the view in front of him into countless diamond-shaped windows, and looking through these windows, he could clearly construct the shapes of over a dozen corpses lying motionless on the ground; blood streamed everywhere and started to build up a strong smell of death.
Fan Shen was stupefied. All of this in front of his eyes appeared so real that he simply couldn’t wrap his mind around it. Suddenly he remembered the hands that were still covering his face.
“Did I just move my hands? Can I move my hands now? Have I recovered? But what on earth just happened out there? Am I in the middle of a dream? Once I wake up, will I still be that good-for-nothing, lying on the sick bed, not able to move a muscle, and simply waiting for the approach of death? If that were true, then I’d rather remain in the dream and never wake up. At least my hands can still move and my eyes can still blink.” Immersed in these mournful thoughts, he rubbed his wet face with his hand.
When he withdrew his hand, he found his hand covered with blood. The drop of liquid that had rolled down from the corner of his eye was no tear. It was blood – blood splashed onto his face from someone.
Fan Shen stared at his hands, thunderstruck, while a scream reverberated fiercely in his head, “These are not my hands!”
Extending in front of him was a pair of extremely fair-complexioned and lovable small hands. Covered by blood stains, they looked almost like a white lotus blossoming in the underworld, with an eerie kind of beauty. However, they were absolutely not the kind of hands that would have belonged to an adult!
Waves of mixed feeling surged into Fan Shen’s head and dumbfounded him. Myriad questions and incomparable terror soon completely consumed his mind and his heart.
That year was the 57th year of the Qing Calendar. The conquering army led by His Majesty was still in the middle of a war against the western barbarians. The Count of Southernland was also at His Majesty’s service in the army, and the capital was governed by the Great Empress and the High Councils.
On that day, the Villa of Serenity outside of the capital by the riverside of the Flowing-Crystal Creek caught fire. A group of assassins, under the cover of the night sky and the fire, attacked the villa, began killing everyone in sight, and committed the most atrocious massacre.
A young servant of the villa carried the young master with him and fought his way out. The murderers in night suits chased after him and they fought all the way to the road entrance leading south outside of the capital.
The attackers had no idea that the handicapped youngster turned out to be an expert fighter of fathomless kills. Besides, there were also reinforcement behind the small hills – and the identity of the reinforcement was even more horrifying!
“The Dark Riders!” moaned the assassins who were mowed down by the crossbows. Lying in a pool of blood, they were already on their last breaths.
All the riders wore the standard black suit of armor, which radiated a faint, soul-stirring shine under the illumination of the moon. Each rider carried a strong crossbow, the kind only authorized for the military. The first barrage of the crossbows had wiped out most of the assassins.
Surrounded by the Dark Riders was a middle-aged man sitting inside a horse-drawn wagon. He had a wan face and very sparse beard under his chin. Fixing his glance on the young servant carrying the child on his back, he nodded slightly, and then gently clapped his hands.
The clapping was the signal to strike!
A section of the riders began to separate from the main formation and charged toward the badly beaten assassins, as swift and merciless as the reaping scythe of Death himself under the dark sky.
A wizard among the assassins raised his wand high and began chanting some secret spell, and people in the field felt some kind of unknown energy gathering alongside the small hills.
The middle-aged man frowned slightly, but did not move. A dark shadow suddenly leapt out from beside him and shot forward swiftly like a night hawk. The wizard’s voice halted abruptly after a crisp snap, and his head flew high into the air, splashing blood along the way.
The middle-aged man on the wagon shook his head. “These wizards from the far west never get it. When confronted with true might, wizardry is just like the pen of the Prime Minister, useless.”
 Dozens of the solemn Dark Riders combed the surrounding areas and signaled safety with closed right fists. All the assassins had been eliminated. The troop split up. The horse-drawn wagon inside moved forward slowly until it arrived in front of the young servant. With the help of his subordinates, the middle-aged man sat in a wheelchair. Rolling the wheels himself, he slowly approached the young servant who remained in an upright position in the middle of the field, as sharp as a spear.
The middle-aged man on wheelchair glanced at the bamboo basket on the young servant’s back. A faint redness finally appeared on his pale face.
“It’s very fortunate!”
A black cloth covered the face of the young man carrying the basket. Inside the tight grip of his hand was a long black iron chisel that looked almost like a sword and fresh blood dripped slowly from the tip. Around him lay many dead bodies, all top-notch ambushers. On the throat of each body was a small red clot. Apparently it only took the youngster one strike to stop each of the assassins.
“I need an explanation,” the man with the black cloth around his eyes said in a chilling voice. The voice didn’t have the slightest tremble and neither carried the slightest emotion.
“Of course, you shall have it. I also need to give my lord an explanation.” A faint softness flashed past the middle-aged man’s face so quickly as though it never happened.
The young servant wearing the black cloth nodded and made to leave.
“Where are you taking the child?” the middle-aged man on wheelchair said coldly. “You are blind. Did you want the young lord to wander about the world with you?”
“This is Her Ladyship’s flesh and blood.”
“This is also His Lordship’s flesh and blood!” the middle-aged man in the wheelchair exclaimed in a gloomy tone. “I promise you I can find a safe harbor for the young lord in the capital.”
The young man shook his head and straightened the black cloth on his face.
The middle-aged man on wheelchair knew very well that the young man was loyal only to her Ladyship. Even his own lord could not have commanded the blind servant. So he heaved a sigh and persuaded, “Once His Lordship is back, everything in the capital will quiet down for sure. Why do you insist on taking him with you?”
“I don’t trust your lord.”
The middle-aged man frowned as though he really detested these words. After a short pause, he said, “Nursing the child, teaching him to read and write; are you capable of any?” He let out a sneer. “Blind, what do you know besides killing people?”
The blind man was not annoyed and only gently gave an upper push to the basket on his back. “Cripple, isn’t killing people the only thing you know as well?”
The middle-aged man let out an insidious smile. “It was only some nobles in the capital who started this. Once His Lordship is back, of course I’ll clean them up.”
The blind youngster shook his head again.
The middle-aged man gently rubbed his fingers against the wheelchair, as though he was guessing what the other party might be afraid of. A short moment later, he said with a frown.
“I know what you are afraid of. But in this mundane world, who else is capable of protecting him against that kind of unknown danger besides the child’s father?”
The blind youngster suddenly opened his mouth again, his voice still emotionless. “A new identity and an uninterrupted life.”
The middle-aged man gave it a thought, and then nodded.
“Port Danzhou. His Lordship’s nanny lives there.”
The blind youngster remained silent for a while but eventually accepted the arrangement.
With a relaxed smile, the middle-aged man rolled the wheelchair behind the blind youngster and picked the child up from the basket. Looking at the child’s pretty and lovely little face, he couldn’t help but sigh. “He looks almost identical to his mother. So pretty!”
He suddenly burst into a string of loud laughter. “I am sure he’ll grow into a great man!”
In the distance, his subordinates stood silently. Although they kept their faces blank, deep inside, they were astounded by the joyous laughter from their boss. What kind of important figure could the child be? They couldn’t help but wonder.
“Oh?” The blind youngster leaned his head slightly and took the child back into his own arms. Although he was simpler than any normal person, he didn’t want the child’s face to be too close to the hands of that venomous snake. In the meantime, he used a one syllable word to express his pure politeness-prone question.
The middle-aged man kept his smile as he stared at the child’s face. However, the smile seemed to also contain an indescribable flavor of horror. “A child only two months old, yet he was able to wipe the blood off his face with his own hands. And after such dreadful terror tonight, he could still sleep so soundly. He is certainly worthy of…”
He suddenly lowered his voice, making sure none of his subordinates could hear the next few words, “…being the child of the Heavenly Vessel.”
This middle-aged man was a powerful man in the capital with a reputation for his cruelty and brutality. No official falling into his hands could withhold anything from him for more than two days. Needless to say, he was a man with sharp eyes. But even such an extraordinary man failed to recognize that the child was not in a sweet sleep but had been scared senseless.
In the name “Heavenly Vessel,” heavenly indicates the divine connections, and vessel means container for the blood. Putting them together, it means vessel of divine blood descended to the human world. In the legends of this world, every couple hundred years, one of the Heavenly Vessels left in this world by the divine would awaken.
Being a Heavenly Vessel could mean they possess mighty and invincible fighting power, for example, the great general in the Nasgu Kingdom far, far away. At the brink of the complete destruction of their kingdom by the barbarians, with shear personal valor and fighting power, he killed the majority of the barbarian elder assembly and made history.
Some “Heavenly Vessels” would show extreme genius in art or intellectual development, for example the Great Wizard Poore in the western world, who only passed away three hundred years ago, and his wife, playwright Fubo.
Of course, no one could prove that they were true Heavenly Vessels left by divine creatures to overcome the many tribulations of the world. But these people did, in fact, bring peace to the world along with many other things.
In the end all of the “Heavenly Vessels” vanished. No one, not even any country could find any trace of them. They would appear all of a sudden and then disappear out of the blue. Other than some obscure records, they didn’t leave anything that could have proven their existence.
The middle-aged man on wheelchair happened to be one of the very few who knew for sure that such “Heavenly Vessel” phenomenon did indeed exist.
For some unknown reason, after Fan Shen died, his soul came to this world. And just like that……was miraculously reincarnated into an infant’s body, and the infant’s father or mother happened to be the mysterious “Heavenly Vessel” bloodline on this continent.
By daybreak, the battlefield had been cleaned up. The horse-drawn wagon slowly followed the stone slab road eastbound. Right behind the horse-drawn wagon, a troop of dark riders and a pale-faced middle-aged man in a wheelchair made up an eerie scene.
A small rock on the road gave the horse-drawn wagon a bump, which woke the infant lying flatly on the soft silky mat.
The infant’s stare dispiritedly wandered about, skipping the faces of the men who had saved his life, and instead, fixed upon the direction the wagon was heading. The stare was totally different from a normal infant’s stare, which would constantly wobble but remain clear yet unfocused. The stare now contained something more, something beyond words.
No one knew that such a fragile, small body actually contained a soul from a different world.
At the end of his stare, the curtain flapped in the coming wind and exposed a corner of the green hills outside the wagon and the long stone slab road that rapidly moved backward as though there were countless frames in a continuous rewind.
In front of the wagon, the blind youngster held the iron chisel tightly in his grip. A black cloth covered not only his two eyes, but also the entire world.

Now support the author Maoni by clicking this link, and support the translator Lanny by following my blog! :)

Give yourself a pad on the back once a while. You deserve it somehow! And if you can't reach behind to your back, you can always use a robotic arm.


Picture of the Day:

The Happy Duo

Saturday, January 03, 2009

AI and Robots: The Dark Side of Human-Robot Interaction

After three days of struggle, I finally restored my email server back to working state successfully and had all mailboxes working (except my own, which didn't matter much). I have to admit that it was quite some frustration I had to go through. Now for those of you admins out there, had your server ever blown up on you? And did you ever feel like you want to blow up your server?

Well, the admins at ShopperMagic not only felt so, they actually did so.
We decided to give a web server early retirement in a manner that allowed us to "feel good" because it had kept support staff up for many nights trying to sort it out. The server gets a reprogramming it will never forget by stuffing it with fireworks, lighting the blue touch paper, and retiring to a safe distance...

And if you prefer no fire/smoke for potential fire hazard, you could also just let nature (gravity) take its course.

When machines don't deliver the performances they are expected to provide, the frustration can really build up for the user. And when the level of frustration exceeds a threshold, sometimes it turns into violent behaviors. Many of you probably remember this famous video below from several years back:

And of course, who could ever forget this classic scene from the movie "Office Space":

Suppose this machine you are frustrated with is not a computer or printer, but a robot. With the current state of robotic technology and the complexity of tasks, end users are probably more likely to get frustrated with "intelligent" machines/robots such as this one:

Here's another example of someone getting really frustrated with a robot:

By the way, the robot can be just as frustrated.

So in cases like these, as the frustration builds up, would you still beat up the robot?

Or kick it?

Or blow it up?

With the first few videos, most people probably would find them hilarious despite the violence involved. However, with the last two videos, don't you feel something is not quite right here? Something...well...maybe something immoral that makes you uncomfortable? If so, why is that?

Maybe it's the human form that bothered you? Maybe it's the animal kind of behavior? Or the level of intelligence displayed? This reminds me of something I read a long, long time ago. I don't remember who said it, when, and where. It was a conversation about what kind of animals one would eat. And the answer was, "If it talks back to me, then I won't eat it." Here a simple metric of language and communication capability is used to classify whether an animal is intelligent enough. And if it is intelligent enough to talk back, then it would feel immoral to treat it as food. Of course, there are many metrics we can use to judge intelligence. So once we classify a robot as intelligent, would you feel immoral to hit it, or treat it like a mere lifeless machine?

This sounds like a very dangerous territory in robotic research, but it is a problem we'll eventually have to face (maybe even not very far from now). So is there something we can do as a designer (not a lawyer or legislator) to address such issues? Should we make the robot appear/sound very machine-like or appear/act dumb to alleviate our moral guilt? Or maybe make them more human-like to amplify it, instead? I don't have the answer. Do you?

If you have a hard time falling asleep, try reading a Bayesian statistics textbook.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Paper Review: Astronauts Must Program Robots

This is a position paper presented at the To Boldly Go Where No Human-Robot Team has Gone Before AAAI Spring Symposium by Dr. Yim from University of Pennsylvania. A lab mate of mine had the privilege of attending this. I only get to read the paper.

Now, don’t let the title fool you. This is not a paper talking about having astronauts sitting in space coding C++. The main idea of this paper is that given the complexity and many possible unexpected events of Mars and Lunar operations, the astronauts need to construct tools (“programming robots”) from a rich set of modules to complete various tasks. Therefore, a new programming model to fit such needs is necessary. The paper defines a robot as “a machine or device that operates automatically or by remote control” and program as “to provide (a machine) with a set of coded working instructions.” Note that these are very broad definitions. We could even define a copier as a robot and specifying how many copies to create as programming.

The paper argues that in addition to robot controlled autonomy, user interfaces and data filtering also required programming, and the context for programming these should be a system modular in both hardware and software. Divide and conquer is a common approach that works well, however, the tradeoff is the granularity of modules. Astronauts are highly skilled/intelligent people. The question becomes: would sending the programming tools to them be an effective and efficient use of resources? And the problem now falls under the Human-Robot Interaction domain.

The paper also presented and effectively argued against some of the common counter arguments:

- Local teleoperation is all that is required
Paper: Some forms of autonomy are likely to be incorporated as part of the user-interface.
Lanny: Yep! I step on gas, and the car goes.

- Programming can occur remotely from ground-based engineers
Paper: Terrain interaction on Mars cannot be duplicated exactly on earth.
Lanny: Don’t forget the 20+ minutes of communication delay.

- We can send highly capable robots that can handle any contingency circumstance
Paper: that’s impossible.
Lanny: “Good morning, Dave!” (See 2001, A Space Odyssey)

- Adding programmability and versatility will reduce efficiency and robustness.
Paper: The cost of not having flexibility and versatility will likely overweigh the loss of efficiency
Lanny: Depending on the context.

The solution proposed in this paper is to use a robot system composed of mostly identical modules such as the PolyBot G2 robot shown below.
When putting multiple of these together, they can form a 4-legged robot, or a bipedal one.

During a IROS 2003 workshop, participants were challenged to make the robot using these modules that can gamble using a slot machine, and you can see the winning configuration in this video:

The paper concludes that assuming the complexity of Mars and Lunar habitation, maybe the level of sophistication in programming needs to be extended to a similar level of complexity.

This type of robots is also called Shape-changing or Reconfigurable Robots. And here’s a video demonstrating the rich set of functions one can create with such robots:

This paper is certainly a fun read, however, I’d also like to point out some of the drawbacks of such modular systems and other possible solutions.

One major drawback of such modular systems is that it is a homogenous system without any specialized sensors, actuators or processors, and there is either no need or too expensive to have these components on each of the modules. A heterogeneous system with small groups of homogenous components might be a better idea under most contexts. However, that also adds multiple levels of complexities to the configuration and programming.

Identifying and configuring a workable solution using these modular systems also adds more complexity to the problem and adds more workload to the astronauts (taking away time and effort from other tasks). For example, what would be a good shape of the robot for a specific task and how can such a shape be built? The configuration of modules might not be intuitive to the astronauts and while in space, it is also difficult/expensive/dangerous for them to evaluate/test the configurations with possibly unexpected consequences.

If the modular system uses a multi-agent approach for decision making, the decision process can be very difficult for the astronauts to understand. If the decision making is centralized, then extra effort is required to generate and understand communications from each individual module.

Depending on the context, a specialized robot might be more desirable (for example, a transformer robot that can turn into a Roomba vacuum cleaner and a car is cool but unnecessary). Therefore, adding a bit more flexibility to the specialized robot might be better than going completely modular.

Therefore, I think a good solution for astronauts should be a combination of human, specialized robots with added flexibility, and highly flexible robots (modular ones) as additional tools to deal with the unexpected.

"HAL: I am sorry Dave, I am afraid I can't do that."

Picture of the Day:

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Random Thoughts: How to lose $200 in Vegas in 2 minutes

[A few words first:]

On the first day of the year, the hard drive of the email server I am administering failed and I could no longer start the server. If you look at today's picture of the day, you'll see that lovely Blue Screen of Death. So I had to rebuild the server from scratch and try to restore a 20GB information store. Although NT Backup said that my backup was very successful at the time of the backup, now at the time of restore, it found inconsistencies and would not let me restore!!! What a great way to start a new year!! All I can say is that I know the rest of the year is going to be wonderful!

Anyway, I did a poll a few months back asking people which book they'd like me to translate first. The answer was very clear. Therefore, my new year resolution is: I'll put more effort into finishing the translation of SPW as most people requested. So look for small segments of translations, as some wise man once said, "Good things come in small packages!".

Since today is the New Year Day, I wish all of you a great new year! I wish your hard drives will last forever! More importantly, I wish you all to think positively and try to learn from your bad experiences, just like the story I am going to share with you today about my bad luck in Las Vegas a few years back.

[Now here's the story:]

Since we live only 5.5 hours from Las Vegas, I have to say, we are no strangers to the casinos. My wife and I are no gamblers, and we are smart enough to never bet our financial future on gambling, so we always followed a simple rule: lose no more than 200 dollars. As soon as our total loss hits that limit, we play no more games for the rest of the trip. The casinos have many games to offer, however, I'd always spend the majority of my budget on Blackjack ($1 tables), the reasons been: first, I know the rules well; second, the dealer only has very slight advantage over my odds of winning. This means that a good number of times I can actually walk away with handsome winnings with respect to my limited budget, and the budget will always last me a long time, so I get my money's worth of play time.

The dealer would always follow the same rule when dealing for himself/herself: if the current sum is less than 18, then deal another card to self, otherwise, no more card
. So if you are discipline enough to follow the same rule, your chance of winning is almos t as good as the dealer except one scenario where the dealer gets a blackjack, and you automati c ally lose (unless you buy insurance, which I am not going to go into details). So that means, your true odds of winning is only slightly less than the dealer if you followed the same rule. Another interesting thing about the game of Blackjack is that you could always double your bet after you lose a round, and double every time if you continue to lose. Then as soon as you win a round, you make up for all the loss in one game. That's why the dealer always pose limits on the table so you can't indefinitely double your bets. Due to the small amount of bet involved ($1 minimum/bet), using this trick, $200 can actually allow me to lose up to 6 games:

1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 = 127

So that day when I walked in the casino and sat in front of the Blackjack table with $200 in my pocket, I was ready to rumble for a few hours. Putting one dollar on the table, I got my cards: the total was 18 and the dealer got 20. No big deal, I'll just double my bet to two dollars. This time I got 19 and the dealer got 20. Fine, I'll bet $4. Then I got 19 and the dealer got 21.... By the sixth game, I was already betting $32, because I have been losing every single time. And guess what? This time the dealer got a Blackjack and automatically won the game!

At this critical moment (since if I bet $64, I would only have $200-$127=$73 left, which wouldn't allow me to easily make up all my losses if I lose the next round), I started thinking: What's the probability that one would lose 7 games of Blackjack in a row? Let's just say the dealer's winning odds is 0.6 and mine is 0.4, meaning the dealer should win 6 games out of 10, then the probability of me losing 7 games straight in a row would be:

0.4 x 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.4 = 0.0016384

Of course my brain isn't capable of such precision, one thing that I was pretty sure was that the probability of me losing 7 games straight in a row is VERY, VERY low. With that in mind, I placed all of the rest of the $200 on the table, $200 - $63 = $137, like any rational person would have done, and was ready to MAKE SOME PROFIT! The dealer mechanically dealt the cards, as precise and dull as a robot, and my jaw almost dropped. I couldn't believe my eyes! I had 18 and the dealer had 20: I lost again! And I've lost all my $200, in just a little bit over 2 minutes. Hey! What's going on here? How could this have happened??!! Even Clark Griswold could do a better job than me!!

Naturally, that marked the end of it, and we spent the rest of the vacation walking, touring, buffeting, and shopping, never played another game of gambling. However, for many months, I still couldn't believe how bad my luck was in that last game. I made the most logical decision I could think of, but I still failed miserably.

Then it came the time when I took a class about Bayesian Theories, and it finally made sense! Have you figured it out yet?

To better explain this, let's just use the example of a coin flip. With a known fair coin, we know that the probability of the coin landing on head is 0.5, which is exactly identical to the probability of it landing on tail. Now let's flip it and suppose it landed on tail. What is the probability of it landing on tail again in the next flip? "Half and half, of course!", you probably would reply, which is perfectly right. But what if you have already flipped the coin 20 times and it all landed on tail. Now what is the probability that it will land on tail AGAIN in the next flip? You'd probably think the probability of it landing on head is much greater than the probability of it landing on tail now, wouldn't you? If so, you've just made the same mistake I made at the Blackjack table. The correct answer is: the probability of it landing on tail is still 0.5.

So the key idea here is that every flip is an individual trial and the probability is fixed for each trail. It doesn't matter how many times you have flipped it before and how the results turn out. As long as the coin is a fair coin, the probability for head or tail for the next trail is fixed at 0.5. Period. All these trails are independent of each other, so even though the probability of getting 21 tails in a row is VERY, VERY small, with respect to the next trail, the probability is still the same.

You might say, wait a minute, now I don't think the coin is fair. Otherwise how could I get 21 tails in a row? And my answer to that is: either you are just really lucky (or unlucky), or maybe the coin isn't fair at all. And now we tread into the field of Bayesian theories: probability of head at 0.5 is your prior belief before you observed any data. After observing 21 tails in a row, you naturally think your prior belief should be corrected and the real probability of head probably should be much lower than 0.5. So observed data allows us to generate a posterior belief which MIGHT be close to the truth.

Let's go back to the Blackjack case and analyze what really happened that day. If the probability values are what I had expected and are fixed (which I strongly believe was the case), because each round is independent of each other, my probability of winning the last game was still 0.4 (vs. the dealer's 0.6), despite of the fact that I had already lost 6 games in a row. Therefore, betting $137 in this one game was indeed a very risky decision, and I paid dearly for that. At the mean time, me losing 7 games in a row was still a clear indication that luck was not with me on that day.

So what have you learned from this? You shall not gamble? Nah! I think it is okay if you treat it as a game and limit the amount of money involved. What I got out of this is that before relying on your intuition, figure out the dependence (or independence) and conditional dependence (or independence) of things first, then you can make more logical decisions!

Swallow a live frog first thing in the morning, and the rest of the day will be wonderful!!


Picture of the Day:

Blue Screen of Death from a failed hard drive, the best way to start a new year!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Random Thoughts: In Science We Believe

Brigham Young University is a private religious university. It is certainly an interesting experience for me, a non-LDS member, to attend the school. This article is an assignment from one of the classes I took, Computability and Complexity Theory, which is the only required course for PhD students. In this class, we learned about undecidability and incompleteness. And the professor asked us to write an article discussing how undecidability and incompleteness relate to our religious beliefs. Being almost an atheist (I used the term "almost" here because I can't prove the non-existense of supernature beings, therefore I can't completely deny it), I came up with the following article:

In Science We Believe
How undecidability and incompleteness
relate to an atheist’s view of the world

"An atheist is a person that disbelieves the existence of God or gods."


“Being an atheist, what is your belief?” When Dr. Jones asked me the question on our walk back to the Talmage building from class, my immediate response was that an atheist does not have a belief. But after I pondered upon this question more in the next several days, my thought became clearer. Although atheists do not believe in the existence of divine beings, we still believe in something. We believe in Science.

Science is imperfect. The history of science has proved that many times. Again and again, by correcting our mistakes we make great breakthroughs in the advancement of science. Science gives us a way to understand the world we live in, and gives us confidence (to a certain degree) to live in the world.

There are many different religions in the world, many ofwhom I have very limited or no knowledge about, that’s why I’ll focus our discussion in this paper to the religions I know, and in most cases, I’ll only discuss religions that are monotheisms.

So the first question you want to ask me is probably, “Why don’t you believe in the existence of God?” I guess my answer would be, “Because I do not believe in the existence of a perfect being with infinite power and wisdom, who has the ultimate control of the universe and never make any mistakes.” When I try to understand the world, I will first use our existing knowledge of science to reason, and when our knowledge is incomplete and the subject is undecidable I try to hypothesize using the current knowledge we have, and I remain skeptical about different hypotheses. I believe that as science advances further along, subjects that are undecidable and knowledge that is incomplete at the current time will eventually be explainable by science.

A. The Power of Prayers

Let’s consider the following story: Somewhere in the ancient times, two armies of soldiers were engaging in a fierce battle in the middle of the day. One side had much fewer soldiers and all of them would die if the battle continued. Desperate, the leader of the losing side knelt down on his knees and prayed to God for help. Within minutes, the blazing sun darkened and eventually disappeared as if night had fallen. Frightened by this “divine intervention,” the winning army stopped fighting and all knelt down in fear. By then, the sun reappeared in the sky and soon resumed its brightness. Shaken, the leader of the winning army promised to never fight the losing army again, thus, soldiers from the losing side avoided their fatal destiny.

If we ask any person in our class, he or she would easily conclude that an eclipse had happened in the middle of the battle. But for the soldiers in the story, they had no knowledge about such astronomical phenomenon, and being faithful Christians, they believed they had just witnessed a miracle performed by God answering to the prayer. So here is a very interesting question to ask: “Did God really answer the prayer and made the eclipse happen?” We’ll never know the answer. Even believers tend to think that this was not God’s answer to a prayer, but it is still possible that God foretold the event and planned the eclipse when he first created the universe, if and only if he does exist. To the losing army leader, the faithful Christian, this was definitely God’s answer to his prayer and this event will only strengthen his belief in God. But being an atheist, I tend to follow the scientific analysis and believe that the eclipse just happened to happen at the time, and the two things are unrelated.

Now let’s look at another example. In Masaru Emoto’s book The Message from Water, he showed some very interesting pictures from his experiments. I must admit that I cannot assure you the authenticity of these experiments, but that is irrelevant in this case and we can assume the experiment results are valid. The picture in Figure 1 shows crystal of water that have been exposed with a playing of Kawachi Folk Dance Song; the picture in Figure 2 shows crystal of water that have been exposed with a playing of Bach’s “Goldberg Variations.” When we look at the differences, we tend to think that the change of structure probably had something to do with the vibration created by the music, because we know sounds are energy waves. It’s all about science. Now let’s look at another two pictures. The picture in Figure 3 shows water crystal of Fujiwara Dam before offering a prayer, and the picture in Figure 4 shows water crystal of Fujiwara Dam after offering a prayer. So how did a prayer affect the structure of the water? Human languages do not follow a very clear and regular sound pattern like music does, therefore it was probably not the sound waves from the prayer that made the change. I don’t know how a believer would try to explain this phenomenon, but as an atheist, I tend to try following the same logic and deduct a hypothesis such as maybe the prayer helpedrelease a certain type of harmonious energy from the human body, which changed the structure of the water. And maybe in the first case, it wasn’t the sound waves from the music that changed the structure of the water but rather the same type of energy emitted by human subjects who were present at the experiment. Because I believe in science, I can try to understand the undecidable subject using logic or deduction from existing knowledge. To extend the subject a little further, following the same logic, I could hypothesize that if ghosts, spirits, or souls do exist, it is possible that these things are also different forms of energy emitted from human body, but I’d be very skeptical about whether they will go to heaven or hell.

Fig. 1. Crystal of water that have been exposed with a playing of Kawachi Folk Dance Song

Fig. 2. Crystal of water that have been exposed with a playing of Bach’s “Goldberg Variations”

Fig. 3. Water crystal of Fujiwara Dam before offering a prayer

Fig. 4. Water crystal of Fujiwara Dam after offering a prayer

B. The Origin of Life

How did life originate on earth? This is a question many asked and many attempted at answering, resulting in many different theories. One theory hypothesizes that under a very specific natural environment, out of great randomness, certain chemicals reacted with certain other chemicals and wow, there was life from non-life, and this happened between 3.9 to 3.5 billion years ago. Another theory hypothesizes that earth life may have originated from “primitive” extraterrestrial life. These “primitive” life forms evolved in earth environment and eventually evolved into homosapien beings. The Bible states that God created life (the foundation for creationism) and God also created human (Adam and Eve being the first two) in his own image. Ancient Chinese mythology told the story of how the Goddess Nu-Wa created human beings out of earth in her own image (while a different God created the plants and animals). Being an atheist, I tend to agree more with the more scientific theories, and out of the Random Origin Theory and the “Primitive” Extraterrestrial Life theory, I lean more toward the later. And my reasoning relates to my current understanding of the universe. Since the universe is infinitely large and has always been there, it is also possible for life to always have existed (just like non-life materials). And with so many meteorites visiting earth since the beginning of earth, it is possible that life could have been brought along from other planets. It is also possible that primitive life forms were accidentally left on earth when extraterrestrial beings visited earth in spaceships. As an atheist, I don’t blindly believe or deny any one of the theories; I remain skeptical about each one of them. But because of my belief in science, I tend to believe more in the scientific theories.


Because our current understanding of science is imperfect, some scientific laws or theories we currently believe are true might turn out to be flawed or false, and when I try to reason using such false or flawed knowledge it will lead to false or flawed conclusions. For example, if I were born in 100 B.C., I would have believed that earth is flat, which we all know is clearly false. But I also believe that the flaws or errors in science will, one day, be corrected, and at that time, I would be able to understand the world more accurately. This room for correction in my belief system allows my belief to evolve. Sowith many undecidable subjects and incomplete knowledge, I believe as science advances, one day we will be able to understand and explain the subjects that seem to be unnatural or mysterious to us today. It might take a long time to get there, but as long as human race survives (especially surviving from possible self-destruction), we will get there.


Even though I am a perfectionist, it is just so difficult for me to imagine the existence of a perfect being. It is easier for me to believe Aliens created earth life environment (maybe in an experiment) than to believe God did it, because Aliens can make mistakes, they might be mortal, they use science/technology to manipulate matter, and they didn’t create the universe.

I guess the main difference between an atheist and a religious believer is that the believer makes the faith leap of believing without the proof, and an atheist will not believe without the proof. So if in the future science advances enough to let us have enough knowledge to prove the existence of God, then all atheists will also become believers. Before then, an atheist will remain skeptical.


In this paper I explained how I view the world from an atheist’s view when it is relating to undecidability and incompleteness. I hope I have not offended any believers and I hope the reader can get a better understanding of how an atheist reasons with undecidability and incompleteness. To summarize, an atheist believes in science and tries to reason with existing knowledge of the world. When existing knowledge is insufficient, he hypothesizes using scientific knowledge that is likely to relate. He doesn’t accept or deny any hypotheses and remain skeptical toward all of them, but he tends to believe more in theories that use science as the foundation because he could relate to it more easily. He also believes that as science advances on, one day, these undecidability and incompleteness can be reasoned and explained scientifically.

Taking grad level STAT class for a CS major is a stupid idea.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Robot of the Day: Robotic Flowers

Another make up post. When will I ever catch up?!

If you like decorating your rooms with flowers and plants but always "forget" to water your plants, why not consider having a robot watering your plants for you? Now here's an even better idea: why not just have robotic flowers and plants??!!

Chonnam National University in Korea has developed just the right solution for you: a robotic plant that emits oxygen, moisture, and aroma, and even dances to music (shown in the picture above). This 130cm tall and 40cm in diameter robot also knows how to greet you by bending toward you and bloom for you. It also reacts to light changes or even loud voices.

I tried to find more pictures or videos of this robotic flower but could not find any. There isn't any pricing or release date for retail products, either. I just hope it dances better than this one:

The idea of robotic flowers/plants is not new and researchers in US also developed various prototypes. The video below shows the robotic flowers designed by Dr. Cynthia Breazeal (MIT) that sway when a human hand is near and glow in beautiful bright colors.

Sena Clara Creston, an artist from New York City, built a robotic flower garden as one of her art projects. The video below shows some of the flowers she created. The next paragraph is direct quote from her statement about this project.

"Flower Garden is an interactive installation that detects and responds to the viewers' movements. The garden consists of about 20 paper-mâché and wire flowers each equipped with a distance sensor and arranged around a path for the viewer to walk through. Once the viewer gets within range the flower encloses its petals within its leaves. If the viewer remains in range the flower begins to shake making it appear to be nervous or frightened and if the viewer continues to approach, the flower responds by becoming aggressive, snapping it's petals and leaves open and shut. If the viewer steps out of range the flower seems to relax. It stops shaking and very slowly opens back up, exposing its petals. When the viewer enters the garden, the seemingly benign environment of fragile and vulnerable sculptures will have tuned into a mass of creatures fully expressing their aversion to the intrusion either by putting up their defenses, or in cases of extreme attack, becoming offensive. The viewer, realizing the impact they are having on the environment, will in turn react to the flowers, either choosing to hurry through the path causing as little disturbance as possible or embrace confrontation and continue to provoke the flowers."

I know these robotic flowers are supposed to represent timid fragile things that are nervous and frightened, but why do I always get this creepy feeling with monstrous man-eating creatures looming in my mind? Do you also get the feeling that they might just bite you, all of a sudden, like how this robot below is doing?

Frankly speaking, robotic flowers or plants that are for decorations only don't excite me that much. They are cool and cute (or creepy), but don't you wish it will do a bit something more for you, such as checking your emails for you?! Don't laugh! I didn't come up with this idea; someone else did, who even published a paper on this. Read my adviser's survey paper on Human Robot Interaction if you are interested.

Here's another idea. How about letting your robotic plant be your personal psychiatrist? Sega Toys actually came up with such a product named "Pekoppa" that will listen to your endless and meaningless ranting and react to it. (Disclaimer: I don't know Japaneses, so I have no idea what harm is done to the poor little robot!)

So, have you found the robotic flower/plant just right for you? I am still looking....

Rather than constantly worrying about the many things you have to get done, just start doing them one at a time.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Paper Review: The Seven Ages of Information Retrieval (2)

This is a make up post! Continuing from previous post.

In this survey paper, the author used the analogy from Shakespeare’s seven ages of man to describe and predict the different stages in the evolution of the Information Retrieval (IR) systems. Note that the paper was written in 1996, which was very near to the beginning of the Internet/Dot Com booming era. At the current time of 2008, which is only two years away from the final stage of IR (2010) described by the author, we are certainly at an unfair advantage of being able to validate and criticize some of the predictions the author made, just as the author also had the same advantage over Vannevar Bush’s predictions at 1945.

The paper made good contribution to the field by describing the history of the IR systems from 1945 to 1996 with abundant information on the various technologies developed, IR systems built, and how they affected the research in IR. The paper is especially well organized and easy to understand. It started by introducing Bush’s predictions and also ended with the confirmation that Bush’s predictions will be achieved in one lifetime. This made the paper complete. The author also used comparing the simple statistical approach to more sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) approach as a main thread throughout the different ages, which connected the seven ages well.

However, the paper also has some shortcomings. Firstly, AI is a big field that also used probabilistic/Bayesian methods all over the many subfields. There is not really a clear cut between AI and IR. For example, Natural Language Processing (NLP) is commonly considered a subfield in AI, but many NLP techniques are also the same as IR techniques.

Secondly, the author did not provide enough coverage for the AI side of the story, probably because he considered himself one in the IR camp. For example, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) started around 1975, and Backpropagation (a form of ANN) gained its recognition in 1986 (itself actually dated in 1974). ANN can be used to detect patterns in text documents and is a great tool for IR, but was never mentioned in the paper. Another example is computer vision. The field of computer vision started in the 1970s and by 1995, many algorithms have been developed to analyze image contents. The paper didn’t mention any existing computer vision algorithms/techniques. Support Vector Machine (SVM), another great tool for IR, also came out in 1996, but I suspect it came out after the author wrote this paper.

The paper also failed to mention many important IR techniques such as td-idf, discriminant function. Specifically, it did not cover in enough depth with respect to evaluation methods such as K-L divergence, F1-Measure etc. More coverage of techniques/methods like these would have improved the quality of the survey paper.

Additionally, some of the graphs (Figure 4, 5, 9) in the paper do not contribute much to the content of the paper. Adding more information to these graphs to show correlation of things, or combining these graphs would be more beneficial to the readers.

In the latter part of the paper, the author made predictions about the possible evolution of IR and also pointed out potential problems. Since we know how technology evolved from 1996 to 2008, I’ll address some of them here.
The author mentioned that there would be enough guidance companies on the Web to help serve each user, so the lack of any fundamental advances in knowledge organization will not matter. What do we do when we need to look for information online these days? We search using Google or Wikipedia, and most of the time, we are relatively happy with the search results. Google made it its mission to “organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful”. And the mission for Wikipedia is to “empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally”. This leads to an interesting idea: with the help of Google and Wikipedia, maybe we can make the Internet the “Expert System” or “Knowledge Database” and have agents learn from it directly.

The author also worried about commercial publishing on the Internet. These days, the music industry has made (probably was forced to) online distribution an integral part of its sales channel. The sale of e-books, although not mainstream, is slowly growing its market share, and various fancy e-book readers (e.g. the Amazon Kindle) are also getting better and making headlines. Google book search and Amazon’s book preview function are also getting more and more attention.

In the paper, the author cautioned about storage and transfer constraints in digital video. Thanks to even lower storage cost and many competing broadband service providers, today, a majority of Internet users have fast connections and use various streaming video websites such as (video contents provide by users), or (content provided by commercial content owner) to watch video online. Even Google ads these days contain video contents. The paper proposed that in the 2000s, more research is needed for image, audio, and video content extraction. He was right on. Even today extracting information out of abundant rich-multimedia content is still a very challenging problem for many researchers. Other than the traditional type of information media, now we also have new media such as Google Earth, where you can retrieve information from a hybrid of satellite images, regular maps, and street views (360 degrees), coupled with driving directions and estimated travel time.

In the retirement age of IR, the author predicted that “the central library buildings on campus have been reclaimed for other uses, as students access all the works they need from dormitory room computer”. I don’t think this will happen in two years. Libraries in universities still play very major roles for students and teachers, and university bookstores are still making huge profits off poor students. And one has to admit that holding a physical book in hand is a very different experience from reading a book online.

To reduce the amount of junks and cluttering on the Internet, the author suggested maybe anonymous posting should not be allowed on the Internet. This sounds so funny for modern day people when privacy is such a big concern, though this remains a big problem. Think about the trillions of documents out there with more and more rich-multimedia contents, plus the flourishing blogs, forums and social networks. Google suggested using page ratings by users which was not well greeted. I think we just have to rely on the advancement in AI and search engines to deal with it. Techniques such as taking consideration of user preferences and past history are certainly the right way to go.

The author further pointed out some potential problems such as illegal copying (pirating in today’s term), copyright law itself, difficulty for people to upload, legal liability and public policy debates restricting technological development and availability. These remain challenges for IR systems today (the word RIAA and peer-peer network suddenly emerged in my head for some reason!) and probably will take more than two years to resolve.

In my personal opinion, I think AI will start to play a leading role in IR in the following years and one day we will have true question answering type of information retrieval at the finger tip of every Internet user. This concludes my review of this paper! Thanks for reading it!

Listen to smart people.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Paper Review: The Seven Ages of Information Retrieval (1)

This is a make up post!

In these paper review series, I will summarize interesting papers I read in a non-technical way (as best as I can) and write my own opinions too. Since my research interest is in AI robotics, the papers I review will mostly relate to interesting topics. So this is a good way of reading about research ideas but not worry too much about the math involved. I will also provide links to the actual paper, so if you want, you can read the actual paper after reading my review.

The paper I review today talks about the history of Information Retrieval. How would this relate to robots? I will review the answer in my future posts, so stay tuned.

Here's the PDF link for the paper "The Seven Ages of Information Retrieval" by Michael Lesk. And here below is the first part of my review:

This paper uses Shakespeare’s concept of seven ages of man to describe/predict the evolution of Information Retrieval from 1945 to 2010. Throughout the paper, the author tried to compare two “competing” approaches to IR: simple statistical methods – statistics (Warren Weaver’s approach) and sophisticated information analysis – artificial intelligence (Vannevar Bush’s approach). Keep in mind that the paper was written in 1996, just at the beginning of the Internet/dot com boom. That gives us this unfair advantage of being able to criticize some of the predictions the author made (just as the author had the advantage in criticizing Bush’s predictions).

In the childhood stage of IR (1945-1955), people still worked with very old technology. Having no idea how technology completely changed people’s lives starting from the end of the century, Bush predicted about the evolution of IR. He believed that photographic inventions (such as ultramicrofiche) would have great impact on libraries and IR, which the author didn’t agree. Bush also predicted automatic typing from dictation and OCR, which was not quite achieved at 1996. However, his prediction about the capabilities of computer systems became reality in the 1960s. The 7.5TB/user storage he predicted was far from 1996’s reality. Bush predicted individual interfaces personalized to the user and people would search from notes before search in scientific papers, but not until after the 1970s, it was difficult to get information into computers. The first IR system was built in the 1950s, which used indexes and concordances.

In the schoolboy stage (1960s), the first large scale information systems were built. Computers can search indexes must better than human, which demanded more detailed indexing. However, indexing could also become too expensive, hence arose the idea of free-text searching, which eliminates the need for manual indexing. Objections pointed out that selecting the right words might not be the correct label for a given subject. One solution is official vocabularies. The idea of recall and precision also came out as methods for evaluating IR systems, and they showed that free-text indexing was as effective as manual indexing and much cheaper. New IR techniques such as relevance feedback, multi-lingual retrieval were invented. The 1960s also was the start of research into natural language question-answering, and AI researchers began building systems to retrieval actual answers instead of documents, which turned out to be fragile.

In the adulthood stage (1970s), development of computer typesetting, word processing and the availability of time-sharing systems allowed IR to mature into real systems. Some of the early large-scale systems include Dialog, Orbit, BRS, OCLC, and Lexis. The most important research progress was the rise of probabilistic information retrieval with techniques such as term frequency. On the AI side, the key subjects in the 1970s were speech recognition and the beginning of expert systems. AI researchers felt they were attacking more fundamental and complex problems and that there would be inherent limits in the IR string-searching approach. They built programs that mapped information into standard patterns, but these tend to operate off databases rather than text files. The IR camp felt the AI researchers did not do evaluated experiments, and in fact built only prototypes which were at grave risk of not generalizing.

In the maturity stage (1980s), more information was available in machine-readable form and kept that way. There was also an enormous increase in the number of databases available on the online systems. Online Public Access Catalog (OPACS) developed during this period and many current magazines and newspapers were now online. There was increasing interest in new kinds of retrieval methods such as sense disambiguation using machine-readable dictionaries and computational linguistics. These would all fall under the statistical kind of retrieval. Because of the size of large commercial systems, evaluation of IR became very difficult. The widespread use of CD-ROM was a key technology change, which fit well with traditional information publishing economics and developed into a real threat to the online systems. Meanwhile, the AI community continued expert systems and knowledge representation languages. However, later in the decade, the failure of expert systems to deliver on their initial promises caused a movement away from this area, which marked the “AI winter”.

In the mid-life crisis stage (1990s), another technology revolution came out, the Internet. What’s remarkable is not that everyone is accessing information, but that everyone is providing information on a free basis. This matches the model Bush forecasted where each user is organizing information of personal interest and trading this with others. Classification type search engines (such as Yahoo) also came out. Internet also became a standard medium for publishing. Another important technology was scanning, which lowered the cost or digitizing publications. The Federal government also started a Digital Library research initiative. However, there is still very large scatter in the performance of retrieval systems, not only by question but even over individual relevant documents within answer lists. The author didn’t mention how the AI side was during this period.

In the fulfillment stage (2000s), the author predicted how IR might evolve. He believed that more ordinary questions can be answered by reference to online materials rather than paper materials, new books are offered online and there are guidance companies on the web so that the lack of any fundamental advances in knowledge organization will not matter. He thought the area required more research was in the handling of images, sounds and video. It was noted that online publish won’t pose a problem for academic publishing, but will do for commercial publishing. He further discussed the dramatic storage requirements for video contents.

In the retirement stage (2010), the author forecasted that the basic job of conversion to machine-readable form is done and great deal of multimedia information will be available, which are as easy to deal with as text. Internationalism will become a major issue. As to research, work will focus on improving the systems and learn new ways to use the new IR systems. There might even be PhDs in probabilistic retrieval.

The author further pointed out some potential problems such as illegal copying (pirating in today’s terms), copyright law itself, abundance of junk and cluttering on the Internet, difficulty for people to upload, legal liability and public policy debates restricting technological development and availability. At the end, the author also expressed positive views that Bush’s dream will be achieved in one lifetime and the job of organizing information could have higher status in the very near future.

[To be continued....]

Bill Gates does the Robot!
(See hi res video at
(Rumor says no more Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates duo!)

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Robot of the Day: Atom (Astroy Boy)

This is a make up post!

This is the first ever "Robot of the Day" blog post, and I just feel obligated to designate this "honor" to Atom (aka 阿童木, Astro Boy), a fictional robot character created in Japanese manga (动画) and television animation series in the 1950-60s, because the lovable, brave, and peace-loving Atom inspired a whole generation of kids, some of whom went on to become robotics researchers (me included). Some people even claim that Atom was the big reason why Japan is at the forefront of android development today! In a WIRED magazine article, "The 50 Best Robots Ever", Atom was ranked at #2 dispite being only a fictional character. Impressive!!

I still remember when I was just a little kid, the entire neighborhood of over 100 families shared one television set - a 14-inch color TV (this might give you some clues about how old I am), which was locked in an iron cabinet in a spacious openning by the neighbourhood. Every evening at around 6:30pm, people (mostly kids and some adults) would start taking spots in front of the TV cabinet with their small wooden stools. Of course, a good spot (close to the TV) might have required even earlier arrival. At exactly 7:00pm, the uncle in charge of the TV cabinet would unlock the cabinet and turn on the TV. As soon as the theme song started to play, the chaotic crowd would immediately quiet down and soon everyone was immersed in the adventures of a cute little robot named Atom. Ask anyone who was born in the 70s in China, he/she could probably still sing a few lines from the famous Atom theme song (see video below)....

The character Atom was created in 1952 as a comic character by Japanese comics artist, animator, producer and medical doctor, Osamu Tezuka (手冢治虫), who is often credited as "Father of Anima". The story was put on television in Japan from 1963 to 1966 and immediately achieved great success. The Atom series was remade in the 1980s as Shin Tetsuwan Atomu, which was also translated into English as the "Astory Boy" and broadcasted by NBC in the United States. The video below shows the opening theme for the English version of Astory Boy.

In the story, Atom was built by the head of the Ministry of Science on April 7, 2003, as a replacement for his son, who died in a car accident. Although Atom looked identical to his lost son, he soon realized that the little andriod was a failure because it was only a robot that doesn't grow or express human aesthetics. So he sold Atom to a circus. Professor Ochanomizu (茶水博士), the new head of the Ministry of Science, noticed Atom and managed to become his gardian. He also gave Atom seven special powers. Using these special powers, Atom fought crime, evil, and injustice.
  1. Jet engines under his feet for flying;
  2. Ability to speak 60 different languages;
  3. Ability to distinguish good and evil;
  4. 1,000 times more powerful hearing than human;
  5. Strong searchlights as his eyes;
  6. Ass cannon (later changed to finger machine gun in the new TV series)
  7. 100,000 horse power (later improved to 1 million horse power)
In the story Atom was born in 2003. It is already 2008 now and we are still far from able to create a robot of Atom's caliber. However, the story of Atom does paint a good picture of what we'd like to achieve with robotic technology. Specifically, I look forward to the day when robots and human can peacefully and happily live together under the same sky.

Interesting facts:
  • In real life April 7, 2003, a Japanese city officially registered Atom as an honor citizen and issued certification of citizenship.
  • In 2009, a feature film version of Astro Boy is scheduled to hit the theater screens.

When you have good thoughts or ideas, write it down before you forget.