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Friday, January 15, 2021

Daily Battles: How To Not Receive Phone Calls on Your Computer From An Android Phone

Last time in my blog I talked about how not to receive phone calls on your Mac from your iPhones. For more details you can read this blog post here:

Daily Battles: How To Not Receive Phone Calls on Your Mac

But guess what, your Android phone can still ring on your computer, whether it is a Mac or a Windows machine, and it is just as annoying, and you want to turn it off.

So why is your Android phone ringing on your computer? 

This could have something to do with how you set up your Google Voice.

This could have something to do with how you connected your SMS messaging to your computer.

This could have something to do with your Google Hangout settings.

But They Don't Matter!

Here's what you have to do to disable it!

In your Gmail browser window, click the arrow next to your name in "hangouts", and then uncheck "Ring on incoming phone calls.

Credit goes to Clay Nichols for providing this solution on the web.

Hope you find this useful and stop getting annoying phone rings on your computer!

Video of the Day:

Covidiots Hall of Fame

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